Peel and stick wallpaper - Application Instructions
Yellowpop wallpaper is peel and stick, meaning it features a pressure activated adhesive and will remain on a surface until the customer decides to take it down. This makes our product easy to remove without damaging walls - or any other surface you want to apply it to!
To see the installation steps in video format, click here.
- Damp sponge or cloth
- Tape measure
- Pencil
- Razor knife
- Ruler or straight edge
- Smoothing squeegee
Remove fixtures from the wall or surface you plan to apply wallpaper to. Using warm water only, wipe with a damp sponge to prepare the wall. Allow your wall to fully dry before Step 2. Do not use chemical cleaners or soap to prepare your walls.
Create a placement guide on your wall. Start by using a tape measure and pencil to indicate where the wallpaper will be placed. First, lightly mark the width of the strip on both the top and bottom of the wall. Next, use a straight edge and pencil to draw a faint line to connect these markings vertically. This should give you two straight vertical lines to guide your wallpaper strip placement.
Measure strips of wallpaper with a tape measure and mark with pencil on backing to match your placement guide. Cut to shape with a razor knife, adding approx. 1” to top and bottom.
Starting at the top of your wall, align your wallpaper strips with your pencil marks. Apply by peeling backing paper at approx. 12” intervals & pressing wallpaper against the wall from center of roll, outward. Use a squeegee to smooth out air bubbles from the center of the wallpaper outwards as you go down the wall. Wallpaper can be repositioned as needed.
Once applied, use a razor knife to carefully cut any excess length and around any fixtures.
Continue to add wallpaper strips & align design to match pattern to previously applied strip.
You’re all done! Wallpaper will remain in place until peeled off. When ready to remove, pull the wallpaper away from the wall gently from top to bottom.
NOTE: Product is designed to work on smooth surfaces such as painted drywall, glass, and smooth painted metal. This material is not recommended for unpainted drywall, brick, textured wallpaper or drywall, or any other textured surface.